Blog Post #5

The topic I have chosen for my digital exhibit in based on the central idea called “ A Digital Divide”. This is an issue that focusses on the lack of technological access for poor and underprivileged members of society. Since I’m from a developing country like India, I have first handedly witnessed this issue and the prevalent technological disparities amongst different social sectors of society. My experience has encouraged me to highlight this problem and educate, not only my fellow peers from Northeastern University, but also people from all societies and age groups.

The issue of technological accessibility can be rooted from the lack of affordability from the consumers end or the government. Even though poverty exists in many developed/rich countries, governments ensure that public facilities are updated with the latest technological developments accessible to everyone. They also conduct highly subsidised, and sometimes free of cost technological training programs for all interested citizens. This allows their society to progress with equality and allow all citizens of different economic standings to remain at par.

I will be focussing on specific areas like internet accessibility and speed, introduction of latest technologies, and awareness of pre-existent basic technologies. These factors create a direct link to how the long term effect of a digital divide eventually leads to a domino effect of poverty.

The tone of this exhibit will be serious, mainly incorporated of a textual body. The exhibit would include a few pictures specifically of under-developed, developing and developed countries’ public technological facilities. This would allow viewers of the exhibit to to visually interpret, and hence comprehend the contrast.

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