Blog post 5

The topic I chose for the digital exhibit is the Vietnam War. More specifically, I will be discussing the Vietnamese’s perspective on the war because much of what we know about the war is told from an American’s perspective. Thus, observing the war from an alternative perspective would help tell the history of the war more accurately. Due to the political authority and influence that the United States has, a large portion of the Vietnam War history is bias and subjective. Even though the United States instigated the war by invading Vietnam to prevent the Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh from spreading communism throughout the country, the United States still blame Vietnam for causing the feud. I want my exhibit to focus on the Vietnamese soldiers’ outlook on the war and their thoughts on the continuous blood baths. Many Vietnamese soldiers were oblivious of the motives for fighting and only fought because they were ordered to. I would also like to focus on the civilians in Vietnam during the war and how the American army invaded their devastated their land. For instance, looking at the My Lai massacre through the lens of a Vietnamese civilian would reveal the merciless acts Americans did to innocent people. This would be one example that I would include within the digital exhibit. A photo and text would help relay how severe and brutal this event was. The digital exhibit will be a mix of images and text.

The overall goal of the exhibit would be to persuade and educate about the multiple perspectives of the Vietnam War. Because we live in America, they way we tell history will be altered to make us appear as the hero. However, I believe that America is at fault for the war and should not be look at so highly for trying to stop communism. By including the perspectives of the Vietnamese, we get to understand how poorly they were treated.

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