Blog Post 3

In the TSA article, the assumption of LGBTQ people’s gender was summarized and how it was a new upcoming problem in modern society as awareness for LGBTQ has risen in modern days. While it’s not a necessarily a fault in technology, since the blame could be shifted onto the individual TSA agents who made the mistake when guessing the passengers gender based off of how they present themselves, its still similar to the Ethics in Design article in the sense that not all types of people are accounted for. While both mistakes are really unfortunate, I would be hesitant to say that the TSA scenario is really an issue of unethical design since its not as much negligence as it is an issue of that must taken care of as a result of our society evolving to more openly accept LGBTQ people. It is a much more recent topic that has come to light and is being adopted in our society currently, as opposed to someone discriminated against because of their race, a problem thats been around for at least hundreds of years. Also, the percent of gay people in the US is a much smaller portion than the percent of black people. While that doesn’t make it any less of an issue, you can still see why the mistake in the TSA scenario could’ve been made.

I think the bigger concern is how we try to combat this problem since it really doesn’t seem like there is any good way out of this. You could argue that the TSA agents could ask the passengers what gender they are/ identified as, but at the same time this slightly compromises the security check process. A potential threat, a bomber, hijacker, etc…, could lie about how they identify in order to hide a weapon so that the system that is used to scan their bodies wouldn’t detect something that is there. I can’t say I personally side with either one side or another because while we need to preserve the safety of all passengers as best we can, it really is a shame that a group is almost “targeted” in a way (though indirectly). I suppose more training could go into the way TSA agents identify which gender a passenger is but there will always be an an anomaly where the situation has to be handled on the fly. There will always be new issues as our society continues to develop and while these issues are important to address, I don’t think that these are the worst problems we have to deal with now. Its probably worth mentioning that at the same time I may be biased since I myself don’t encounter these types of problems as much, its possible that its a much more prevalent issue.

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