The foundation of America is rooted with Human Rights Violations. We obtained this land by pushing Native Americans off their homes and built the nation on the backs of African slaves. Our history is filled with terrible acts against humanity, however our country is not ashamed of its past. Many people encourage that we embrace […]
Blog Post #4
The idea of access in these examples means that everyone should be given the same opportunity to be comfortable physically and be comfortable with themselves. The article “Navigating Through Ableist Architecture” focuses on how disabled people struggle to be correctly accommodated for their situation. Anderson brings up the point that the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) […]
Blog Post #3
These articles approach ideas of how inclusion can change a product and people’s experiences with a product. The article about butch lesbians’ experiences with airport security is a prime example of how not considering diverse groups when designing a product hurts the business and consumer. Many people who identify as gender non-conforming related to feeling […]
Blog Post #2
Although both Oak Alley and Whitney plantation are supposed to be plantation museums, their approach in advertising their museums are completely different. The Oak Alley Plantation website, represents a family get away rather than a museum. Slavery is mentioned very few times throughout the website; which can cause the reader to question if slavery even […]
Blog Post #1
This clip relates to our class discussions in many ways; we recently discussed Fred Wilson and his mixing of artifacts in his exhibits that do not relate to each other. Although, it was supposed to be incidental because the artifact was stolen and so wrongly identified, the clip incorporates the misinterpretation of African artifacts. This […]